Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Believe him...........

He has another planning for you!
Dear ones,

                  Don't worry if your plans are not working, someone is making a better planning for you.He is an excellent planner. Believe him. He is caring for you than anyone in the whole universe. You may find the worst situations in life, sometimes you wonder how you overcame it  . All is the part of the universal planning.
Life is a drama,we are all the characters in different roles. God is the script writer. He created the hero as well as the villain. A script writer  will not feel a special consideration to hero, and a hatred towards the villain. In the same manner God will not feel any partiality. He created all. We are all his children. He wants to teach us how to move in the way of faith. He will never test you, because he knows you well better than anyone.But we test god all times.That is ridiculous.He enjoys it. Every time poor god has to prove his existence to us.

                   Faith is a strong element ,that circulate between yes and no. But when it stops swinging , that reaches the  goal. An  unchangeable faith has the power to destroy anything that comes against us. It is said that with faith if we tell to move a mountain, it will move.Nothing is impossible if we have faith in it. That is the power of faith. Think of  a small kid is walking through a road of heavy traffic, and his daddy holds his hand, he has no worries and walking happily because he knows he is safe in his fathers hand.In the same way god is holding our hand.then why worry?

                  God has kept precious gift for you, and why we ask him for a very cheap one?Ask him for the most precious thing-the liberation, and union with the supreme.He will give it to the real seeker. The secrets will be opened to only those who goes behind it with enthusiasm. Events comes in life. Accept it and let it go.Don't force anything to happen, let it happen as his will. Be a good actor in his story.

god bless you

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Dear ones,

mantra is a sound or series of conjoined sounds that are audible manifestations of inaudible states of energy and consciousness. Manthras are specific sound which repeated several times . Manthras are originated in vedic times.It is believed to make contact with the supreme.  In Sanskrit ,manthra means "protect and seal the mind". The Bible (John 1:1) says: "In the begining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  It is interpreted that that first sound is the Ohm."When we chant manthra it create positive vibrations in the surroundings. Manthra may be meaning less . Ohm is the important and the first sound created. It is the sound of the universe.Most of the manthras start or end with the ohm. It is called bija manthra. Bija means seed or first.There is a specific method to sound the manthras.

We can learn manthra in two ways. One method is getting initialization from a learned practitioner. The second method is learn and practice initialization. In the first method learned practitioner injecting manthra into us, it will be in the form of seed within us. We have to water the seed to become a tree and make it fruitful. In the same way we have to chant the manthra , in order to get fruits from it. Manthras are really powerful. Ohm namo narayanaya, Ohm nama sivaya  are some of the basic manthras .Without initialization also we can chant these manthra. 

Chanting manthras are very useful in developing the capabilities of the body and the mind. chanting with correct pronunciation and understanding the meaning , it will add benefits.Chanting helps us to reduce the  sickness, increasing mental strength and to increase the stability of the mind.The result of manthras are scientifically proved. For example , Gayathri manthra is a very powerful manthra devoted to Lord soorya. The chanting helps to increase the concentration and learning abilities. It adds lots of peace to mind. Manthras are repeated certain numbers.It may be 108,1000,10000 etc.

 Chanting of manthra with faith and devotion will lead to the fruits of manthra. Once you familiar with the positive effect of manthra , it will make your mind stable.Now a days lot of schools are teaching the accurate pronunciation of manthra.

god bless you

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Dear ones,

My Guru says bhajans are not just songs but they are the sole music that flows naturally from hearts of the lovers of god, they culminate in spiritual ecstasy  with the communion with the supreme.Bajans originate from heart, not from lips and tongue.Bhajans play a role in spiritual path.There is no difference between the god and his baktha (disciple), both are one. When we sing bhajans it make us forget the whole world and feels the presence of the god in our heart. Bhajans are direct path to feel the god. The story of Meera Bhai remind us the true love to God. She was mad in love. Only the pure heart unite with the god easily.  At the time of bhajans our heart fill with joy.

 God is everywhere.He lives in our heart. When we sing bhajans it will awaken  his presence.It will raise the positive energy of the atmosphere . It is proved that singing bhajans has lot of health benefits.There is no specific form for bajans , its the simple words that shows the love to God.Sometimes this contain certain words repeating with different tunes. When we sing bhajans in a communal singing then it create the positive vibrations that spread in the atmosphere, if you are singing alone then the vibrations will be around you.

Some of the bhajans I like most is included here with the youtube link

thanking you,
god bless you 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Aham Brahmasmi

Dear friends,
        Hindu is not a religion. Its a culture followed by the people of India. Hinduism always follows universal acceptance.That is why we became slaves to many foreign countries. No founder is for Hindu culture. The culture is followed from the generations to next. But the fact is that this rich culture never ruined even-though many people tried to destroy it. It is growing. Hindu culture never tried to convert anybody to it, because we accept everybody as it is.

         Lots of Yogis , Maharshi's  and sages enriched our culture by giving Veda, Upanishads ,purana's etc. It is not only meant for a particular time being ,but its for all time. They taught us the valuable lessons of spirituality, ahimsa, peace and patience. The respect to elders and love to all living and non living things is a key factor for this religion. Hindus consider animals as sacred and protect them.Even rivers are sacred and considered as mother. Killing of cow, snake is considered to be a sin. At the Ashram of Sages the animals lived fearlessly, the most fierce animals become pets and friendly.Hinduism believe  what we give to others will reflect from them because we consider all are one.

         Hinduism follows many gods, but all gods are different form of same force called Parabrahma.The sages gave us freedom to practice prayers and rituals according to our will. There is no restriction in our culture to follow what we don't understand .Humanity and peace are the face value of  this culture.

        We believe in reincarnations and life after death. It is believed that a person after death will born again to any suitable place according to past karma. Karma means actions. Karma is divided into good and bad. Every karma has a result.The purification of soul by good karma's is the aim of rebirths. Moksha is the state that the soul unite with the supreme. The aim of the soul is to reach moksha and free from births. Yogis attain moksha by neutralizing Karma's by surrendering all karma's to god. When we surrender all our deeds to the supreme then we will get free from the chain of actions.

        The main attraction of the vendanthas and scriptures is its universal nature.We were here ,  we are here, and we will be here. We were in the waves of the sea and the blows of the wind. Soul has no death.We are nothing but part of the Supreme."Aham brahmasmi" means am god.This is the theme of Hindusim.

thanking you,'
god bless you

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Guru- shishya

Dear friends,

Today Am gonna talk you about the relation between a Guru and shishya( master and disciple).Guru (master) is a essential entity in spiritual route. He is the one who traveled before us and reach the goal.His guidance and instructions will lead you to reach the final destination.  It is not your duty to find a suitable Guru to you, instead Guru is  in search of shishya. Many masters are hiding from the world and live in top of the Himalayas. But some are here, with us. Getting a Guru is the most remarkable event in life. A person who are always connected mentally with us.We can ask all our doubts to him. He is our guardian, father ,mother, sister ,brother and friend. He will protect us from all storms ,internal as well as external.

There is always a reason behind all his actions. Some times we will not understand. If anything bad happens to you, don't blame your guru. He is holding your arms tightly whatever happens. Master will test you by the course of time. You have to prove yourselves. Whenever I asked any questions to my Guru , he will not give any answer.He smiles .His silence give some answers. At the presence of a true Guru all the question vanishes, we will be happy.

My guru is following Nath-culture. Lord Vishnu followers. very kind people. But very naughty.The identity of a guru is his innocence. He is child like.Guru is not constrained to a particular characteristics He will love ,punish ,and always care for you.  You cant judge him by observing his manners. Some people think Masters should be vegetarians. But a big NO! The Great yogi Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa like fish very much,Swami Vivekanandha  likes chicken .............but Hitler was a pure vegetarian.Opposite values are complimentary to each other.

But i advise you never fall to a fake Guru. It is miserable. The ways of spirituality is very sensitive. We have to pass through many experiments. I suggest to do pranayama and bhasthrika, That will purify you gradually. When you are pure Guru has to come to you. Let every one get a sat- Guru.

 god bless you

Spiritual books

Dear ones,

I would like to add few books which lead me to understand the basic principles of spirituality.

1. Autobiography of a yogi by Yogananda Paramahamsa
2.Living with Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama
3.Walking with Himalayan masters by Justin O'Brien
4.Books by Ramana Maharshi
6.Mahabharata and Ramayana
7.Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master: Autobiography of a Yogi

All these books provide you  a lot of knowledge. You will get inspired from these lovely books.Books are always helpful . I personally believe that the book like Auto biography of a yogi  will reach you at the time when you deserve it. These books are have wonderful ability to heal the mind. Read the same book again and again, this will unveil new ideas and thoughts.

God bless you

Meditation Technique for beginners

Dear friends ,

Today Am going to tell you about the techniques that helps us to lead to total relaxation or meditation.

Meditation is not a thing that we create but it just happens.It is effortless. It is proved to be enjoyable and improve the quality of life.

Let me explain how we can meditate through a disciplined practice .
First of all find a calm and quite place, where we can sit for some time without disturbance. If you choose a place with fresh air, it will be good. Avoid uncomfortable dress. For the meditation you can sit either in a chair or on the carpet in the floor. I suggest young people choose the second option.Sit comfortably in padmasana or ardha padmasana. close your eyes.Accept all thoughts coming to your mind. Cool your mind.
Watch carefully all your thoughts and let it go. Accept all sounds from outside. Focus your breath. Breathing should not be forceful.It should be natural.Always try to breath in yogic manner. Fast intake and long exhale.By this time you can see your mind is settling . You will reach a state where there is no thoughts and no worries. Only complete relaxation.

           There is another way to meditate as my Guru says . Sit as said before.Focus you mind to the spot between the eyes. This point is called the third eye. Imagine a lotus or light there. The selection of picture is according to your mind. Focus on the beautiful imaginary picture you see between the eyebrows .It will also lead to the same relaxation.

In the first days you may feel bored. Anyway sit at-least for 20 min. It is the time for the beginners.But first we have to overcome the boring.In Hindu cultures we always do manthra chanting. This is one way to get rid of boredom and enter to the great relaxation.

Different people different feelings after meditation. It is totally depend on the mind of individual.People used to talk about lights appeared during meditation while some feel as awakened from a deep sleep.Meditation helps us to settle our mind deep within.If we settle in inside, then no external matters can shake u.

I hope my small technique will help you to meditate in the first stage.

Steps to spirituality


follow these steps those are the simple yet powerful.

  • Be truthful
  • Chant simple manthra at least 108 a day.It should not be mechanical but with full heart.
  • Do sathsang at least 10 min a day.  Sathsang means talking with someone about good spiritual matters or it may be even sing or hear bhajans.
  • Try to do services to people who need help.If you get a chance to help anybody feel gratitude to them instead of being proud.
  • Practice yoga.pranayam and bhasthrika are really powerful
  • Meditation 
  • And never lose your mind in worst situations, all such situations are meant for making you strong.

Enchanting Himalayas


              Himalayas has fascinated the mankind and stirred travelers' imaginations for 
centuries. Situated at the very heart of Asia, yet cut off from the outside  world by of snow-capped peaks, remained shrouded in myth and mystery until the early soaring ranges
twentieth-century. Himalayas are truly a place of peace , hope and spirituality.My Guru is from Great Himalayas and I always heard a lot of enchanting stories of masters who live there. 

These  Masters are almost hidden in the mountains but they gather at the time of Maha 
kumbha mela.I started this blog to reveal the the stories that already happened and 
continue to the future. Many Masters for Himalayas are time travelers, and they are beyond the mass, time and space. It is very difficult to find a true Guru. You may be very confused with the real and fake. The true Gurus will never show you his power and will never try to fascinate with the cheap magic tricks. 

              Many people are there who are spiritually en-lighted and stay away from the people 
and the worldly maya.Very few will come to the world and will help others to help others. My guru is one of them. Even though he did not like tostay away from Himalayas,his Guru baba told him to go and help others who really deserves his help.My guru used to say" those who experienced the enlightenment will not explain it, and who explain never experienced that". It is 100% true. I am not en-lighted person but i can lead you to the thoughts of my Master and free from the material interests.

             Here is the new blog which deals with the spirituality and God.I need support from 
all good minds to continue my writing. Am trying to show you the secret world -The Himalayas.
